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Johannes Galli

The Seven Kellerkinder®

Children of the Basement

In his book “The Seven Kellerkinder”, Johannes Galli talks about the discovery of the seven types of sub-personalities (characters) and describes them in great detail. In addition, a number of exercises are included, that the reader may follow along in order to better understand the concept of the Kellerkinder. These exercises not only serve as a tool to internalize them but will also help the reader to reflect on himself and use the Kellerkinder in daily life.


  1. Author’s Foreword
  2. The Seven Kellerkinder – The Discovery Process
  3. Photo Studies
  4. The Seven Kellerkinder Dance Meditation
  5. The Seven Kellerkinder Tarot
  6. The Kellerkinder Exercise
  7. The Seven Kellerkinder Constellation
  8. Analogies
  9. Galli Publishing


14,90  inkl. MwSt

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