Johannes Galli
The Seven Kellerkinder®
Children of the Basement
In his book “The Seven Kellerkinder”, Johannes Galli talks about the discovery of the seven types of sub-personalities (characters) and describes them in great detail. In addition, a number of exercises are included, that the reader may follow along in order to better understand the concept of the Kellerkinder. These exercises not only serve as a tool to internalize them but will also help the reader to reflect on himself and use the Kellerkinder in daily life.
- Author’s Foreword
- The Seven Kellerkinder – The Discovery Process
- Photo Studies
- The Seven Kellerkinder Dance Meditation
- The Seven Kellerkinder Tarot
- The Kellerkinder Exercise
- The Seven Kellerkinder Constellation
- Analogies
- Galli Publishing
14,90 € inkl. MwSt
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